LED Door Handle Concept is a Brilliant Idea Waiting to Turn into Reality

A concept or a product gets the acceptance of the consumers depending on its usefulness. A product is guaranteed to succeed commercially if it serves a critical need well. The LED Door Handle is one such concept that has the potential to become a commercial success if taken up for production. It is a brilliant concept that comes to your help when you most need it. If the power goes off for some reason at night this door handle is the best thing you can have in your house.

There is a built in light sensor in the handle in the form of a ring around the handle. The sensor can detect when the light is low enough to turn on the night light. And the best part is that when the handle is detached from the base it converts itself into an LED flashlight. In case of a black out you don’t need to risk your way to the junk drawer to find the flash light. It is right there on the door where you might need it.

The LED Door Handle is the winner of the 2011 Spark Award. Another feature that makes the concept even more effective is that the opening and closing the door and the action of turning the handle charges the integrated battery. Some people were apprehensive as to how effective it would be but it can always be improved and made more efficient. The designers Kun-hee Kim, Kei Shimizu & Nguyen-vu Dang must be congratulated for such a brilliant idea and hope that it turns into a commercial reality soon.

Via: gadgetreview, freshome

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1 Comment

  • Liang ya zhou says:

    Yes,we also think LED door handle will be great ideal.
    we have made a new patent LED door handle.

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