Justin and Christine Cignac Create $300,000 T Shirt to Support Children in Africa

UNICEF requires innovative ways to raise funds for numerous schemes they run for the poor throughout the world. They have recently teamed up with artist-designers Justin and Christine Gignac to devise a new campaign to generate resources for their schemes that help the poor in the Horn of Africa. Justin and Christine Cignac are known for their Wants for Sale project. It is a fund raising art project for a noble cause that sells paintings of things people want to buy. The paintings are priced according to the price of the subject of the painting.

If the painting is of a slice of pizza, it costs only $3 but if it is a painting of a couch, it is priced at $500. The concept worked very well and mobilized significant funds for charity. This time, for the UNICEF project, the artists have teamed up with Threadless to design a line of T Shirts. The Wants for Sale concept has been extended here. Each Designer Shirt depicts something that UNICEF provides for the children in the Horn of Africa. The pricing of the T Shirts has been fixed according to the cost of the thing depicted on the T Shirt.

If there is a water pump printed on the shirt, it would cost the buyer $500 as that is the cost of a pump that UNICEF provides for safe drinking water in the underdeveloped regions of Africa. The T Shirts are made from Egyptian cotton but the prices have a wide range as the mosquito net tee costs only $18 but the shirt depicting corn-soy meal blend costs $75,000. The shirt depicting a cargo flight is priced at $300,000. All the proceeds from the sale of these shirts go to UNICEF USA Fund.

Via: psfk, chicagoist

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