Have You Considered Why Investing in a Luxury Handbag Makes Sense?

The demand for luxury products is growing in China rapidly. Shenzhen Wuzhou Changlian International Trading Co. stocks and retails a wide range of luxury handbags from 17 top brands. They are offering insane discounts currently to make the bags affordable to bulk of the consumers. They would like a customer to weigh the pros and cons and understand the implication of investing in a luxury handbag fully before going ahead with a purchase.

The price tag is the deterrent for a large number of customers when it comes to buying a luxury handbag. Apart from the aesthetic appeal the consumer must also consider the length of time the luxury product will last. For example a handbag costing $199 would normally last you for ten years. The average cast per year works out to just under $20 per year. A bag costing $10 would be unreliable and might have to be replaced within a year. Over a ten year period you might end up spending more on regular purses bought from unknown stores.

The admiring looks and praise you receive for owning a luxury bag is invaluable. The regular bags are often poorly crafted and could, in some cases, even leave stains on or scratch on your jacket. If you consider the purchase decision in its totality you will realise that even at a high price point a luxury handbag would be a value for money proposition. The design, the look, convenience and the quality you get are invaluable.

Via: prnewswire, louisvuitton

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