Gibson Les Paul 25/50 1978 Limited-Edition Guitar Surfaces on eBay for £100,000

Gibson and Les Paul are perhaps the most respected names in the field of musical instruments, particularly guitars. The 1960 edition of the guitars were in the news recently and now a 1978 edition has surfaced on eBay and is sure to have many bidders. !978 was a significant year as it was the 25th anniversary of Les Paul guitars and the 50th anniversary of Gibson guitars. They had both come together to celebrate the milestone constructively and had created jointly 100 limited edition guitars. It is one of these guitars that have come up for sale on eBay and the owner is expecting a minimum of £100,000.

The commemorative collection of guitars was made with great care and Tim Gentle had purchased one of them during the release in 1978. It did become part of his collection but was very rarely used and was kept in storage more as a long term investment. It is over thirty years now and the minimally used guitar has been put up for sale. The premium price tag indicates that it was, after all, a wise investment. The nostalgic value of the guitar is sure to attract many bidders.

It is a maple top six string guitar and documents are available to confirm that it is one of the 100 made as a limited edition run. Maple wood which is sought after by the makers of musical instruments is supposed to create the best sound. This particular model provides easy connectivity to amplifiers which makes it ideal for your get-together’s or private gatherings. There will be many takers for this guitar, whatever the price. So you can’t really afford to wait to make up your mind. If you want it, you will have to hurry up.

Via: ebay

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