For Solar-Powered Golfing Trips

Can anything get more eco-friendly than this? Picture it: an electric golf cart lined with 72 photovoltaic cells on the roof that collects solar energy to the extent of 33% more than non-solar electric golf carts. As impressive as it may sound, the Hammacher Schlemmer cart has a 160-watt array that can raise up to three amps per hour for the 48-volt rechargeable battery system. This means that the cart can run upto 49 miles (approximately 10 rounds of golf) before another charge.

By the way the array is also responsible for extending the life of the battery system by 60% more than other electric golf carts. The electric engine has a power of 5 1/2-hp, and along wih the 19-spline rear axle it can easily give a speed of 24 mph over a 28 degree incline! This is when the cart if fully loaded with two passengers and golf bags, all weighing upto 755 lbs. To support all that, the cart includes a two-person seat with vinyl upholstery, four cup holders, and straps for securing two golf bags.

The steering type is rack and pinion, and leaf springs ad heavy shock suspension give a smooth edge to your otherwise bumpy golfing trips. You can also set the maximum speed limit with the aid of the built-in speed controller while the self-adjusting drum brakes provide reliable stopping.

Complete with headlights, turn indicators, brake lights and a horn, the cart is a like a dream. For more info, get in touch with 1-800-227-3528.

Via hammacher

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