Sunflower Shaped Lighting Device could be the Future of Street illumination Devices

Given the uncertainty of future, we are trained to provide in for contingencies. Either we need have a backup stock or an alternative solution for almost everything that is indispensable in our lives. Designer Riis Ros brought this human wisdom for a public utility device like street lights. Hailed as Sunflower Street Lighting, this design offers an efficient, cost-effective and eco-friendly device of city lighting.

The Sunflower Street Lighting Device will get its dose of energy through solar photovoltaic modules on the upper surface of the lamps. In the event of breakdown of any one light, the other lights will continue to work. It would make use of LED lights instead of the usual florescent bulb which will render it up to 8 times efficient in all respect.

Each device consists of 5 individual lamps on different cell modules. There will be one battery that will stash up the energy garnered from the mighty sun during the daytime. It goes without saying that that open flower shape of the street light posts will aid in beautification of the streets.

Via: Tuvie

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