Five Exquisite Swarovski Gold Chandeliers Go Under The Hammer

Rumours say that Swarovski might just put a stop to its catering business, we mean catering their crystals to other luxury obejects. So before that happens why don’t you get enough dose of the famous ices before you can’t find them on any other products other than those manufactured by the brand itself. is acutioning five exquisite and rather unususal crystal chandeliers that apparently were made on a special order by a German company.

Pertaining to some unforseen circumstances, these five could not be delivered to the person who originally ordered them and so now they are available for online auction. Just so you know, all of these chandeliers are plated with gold and made from genuine STRASS Swarovski-crystal.

Each chandelier unique from the rest due to it size and pattern. And perhaps, that is the reason why they are calling the auction UNIQUE CHANDELIERS to attract bidders. The opening bit is touted to be near $1,800,000. The auction is on and will end on 5 Septmenber.





Via luxurylaunches

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1 Comment

  • All the chandeliers are lovely.I liked #2 most of all but the fact is i can’t afford them..

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