Elite Estate: Rush Limbaugh’s Gaudy New York Apartment Up for Sale

Rush Limbaugh is not someone that I would want to go out for a coffee with, nor would I want to exchange pleasantries if I saw him at the can. The conservative tight-buns who has made a lot of people angry has now gone ahead and put up his tacky and ugly New York City Apartment for sale. The apartment seems to be an extension of his tasteless and loud personality and comes with “hand painted” ceilings, walls and gold leaves all over the place to make it look like as uncool as possible.

The price has been quoted as $13.95 million, which is understandably shocking. If you looked at the apartment, it is an assault on the senses, and any self respecting real estate agent would not like to take the apartment on his or her heels.

The apartment is situated in the Fifth Avenue, and could very well be a great place for the likes of hookers who have too many sugar daddies. Limbaugh has finally decided to get rid of the apartment as he has been unwilling to pay the rising taxes in New York City. Some people are so ghetto, they don’t even have to live in one!

Via: Gawker

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  • It’s as “tasteful” as Louis XV goes. Guess Rush thinks he’s the re-incarnation of said ruler. Sad to think of how his ditto head fans live compared to this corporate lapdog.

  • Hey Thedes! I know… he is annoying..

  • Obamanation says:

    Hey, You guys a little jealous? This guy eats morons like you for breakfast.

  • Can Crusher · says:

    when we are looking for apartment for rents, we usually choose those with very clean rooms.

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