Elite Blogger: Rendezvous With Susi Weaser

Today I take pride in having Susi Weaser, Editor, ShinyShiny with me on board and the credit goes to her kind interest in participating on my running EliteBlogger series. Thanks again Susi for making this possible. Globally renowned as freelance technology journalist, Susi at 25 knows her roots well and loves exploring various prospects. They say everyone has their own way to quantify fame online but question emerges what is Susi’s way? She carved her identity by talking about mobile phones, flat-screen computer monitors, and infrared mice and gradually evolved as a TV’s bubbly gadget queen.

This self-confessed geeky diva having expertise in her niche went a step further by doing one-minute video reviews appearing on YouTube running under Broadcast Yourself that turned into a job ad for her. Folks, this is the biggest sign of her growing visibility across online vertical. She is young, gorgeous, intelligent and smart enough to beat any tech guru. Before raising eyebrows against my aforesaid statement, I propose you to sit back and spend some time watching her video reviews falling amongst 942 reviews done so far by ShinyShiny team.

And if you happen to ask her about her Masterplan, the response would be loud, blunt and confident: “To be the Queen of London.” This makes me stay tightlipped and allow her to take it further:

Susi, introduce yourself to my readers and take us to your typical day at work?
I get in in the morning, and check the comments I won’t have spam comments on my blog! Then it’s off to major news sites, and a quick flick through the main feeds on Bloglines. Then, it’s down to work. I’m lucky that my writers are good at picking their own stories, so I’m happy to let them get on with it. Beside writing, I do video reviews, so I spend some time messing around with products, as well as filming.

Susi WeaverYour mind seems to be revolving around finding a connection between women and technology. How far you are successful in your mission of identifying the whys’ involved in less number of women working in technology industry?
I’m not sure of the answer, to be honest. I suspect it might have something to do with women in technology not shouting loud enough about the different career options available – I wrote about it here. I quite often get emailed by females completing dissertations on the subject, and I’m always keen to contribute as I’d like to think that goes some way to convincing someone that there are some awesome jobs out there.

Share your experience of doing one-minute video reviews featured at Youtube. How did this idea clicked you and what all threads you have woven together to make it a big hit?
When I started at Shiny Media over two years ago, I did the video reviews by running round the the camera, switching it on, running to the sofa and reviewing the product and then running back and switching it off it really was a one-girl show. Now, we’re lucky enough to have a camera man who knows heaps about editing, and I no longer have to swear at my computer whilst trying to work out premiere elements. It’s something I enjoy doing, and I think it’s a really useful way of reviewing products if I’m buying something, I want to see more than just press photos. It’s also something we’re hoping to expand in the future, but that’s a secret for now.

How was your reaction when YouTube’s tagline “Broadcast yourself” turned out as a Job Ad for you?
I assume this is being selected by the BBC via YouTube to present a gadget spot? It was crazy! I think that’s when it brought it home how many people saw these things.

Introduce us to the broadcast projects you underwent lately and what next are you considering at this front?
In terms of broadcast ‘old media’ I do occasional spots on Sky News, and then random stuff. When there’s a ‘girls and technology’ story, I can usually be relied upon to pop up somewhere!

Was Susi ever interested in anchoring for a morning show or being featured as a technology presenter or it just came over?
It’s not something I ever thought of doing, and having done it, I don’t think it’s something I’d ever want to do full time. But it was a wonderful experience, and it taught me loads.

How did you manage to reach the entry window of renowned publication like The Guardian, The Daily Mail, Women and Home?
I’m lucky in that the company I work for is run by three journalists, who each have fantastic contacts. They helped me get out there, and you find the more work you do, the more your name is known.

Bloggers believe besides original content generation, networking comes as a part and parcel of a deal that cannot be ignored. What is ShinyShiny or Susi doing or has done at that front to invite more readers?

I’m a big fan of networking at press events. Something like CES is an unrivalled opportunity to connect with bloggers around the world, which is particularly important if you’re from the UK which is relative small fry in blogging terms. I think YouTube has helped me out there as well, as people tend to have a vague knowledge of Shiny Media as a result.

At personal front, how open are you for inking pricey deals for outlandish gears? We at EliteChoice complied a list of 80 World’s most expensive things. What is your take on this?
I love writing about the outlandishly expensive stuff, but sadly it’s not something stuff I’ll ever get my hands on!

What should be the ratio of style specks to tech features that manufacturers should consider while developing any gadget?
Absolutely equal. I think producing something that is stylish but doesn’t work, or something crammed with technology but unattractive is a complete cop out. There’s no reason to buy that stuff just look at the HTC Diamond. It’s beautiful, but crammed full of tech. HTC really have learnt their lesson.

Susi Weaver

Can my readers know: Which are those three gadgets (one fashionable) that a techie diva like you doesn’t skip to carry while stepping out?
I always have my earphones they’re custom moulded to my ears so are excellent at noise blocking. (and they’re made in black and gold rubber, so look pretty cool)
My iPod Touch. I’m obsessed with videoblogging, so love nothing more than settling down on the bus with Diggnation.
My Blackberry Pearl. I check it about once every five minutes!

Susi Weaver recommendsOne-Must-Answer-Question:
Whom would you recommend for being featured as my next EliteBlogger?

I’d recommend Gemma Cartwright, who’s the Fashion Director for Shiny Media. She started life as a bedroom blogger, got discovered, and is now in charge of one the biggest fashion blogs in the UK.

Give us your honest views on EliteChoice
It’s a great resource for things I know I can only dream about owning!

Your turn! Can ask me one question:
What’s the most you’ve ever spent on a gadget?

$387 on a 16gb Apple itouch is worth pointing.

We wish luck to Susi and her team for giving their best shot in whatever they pursue.
Susi Weaver

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