Burberry Is The First Luxury Brand To Join Google+ Business Pages

Plenty of newsprint has been dedicated to Burberry‘s commitment to effectively exploiting the online medium to extend its brand presence. So it is hardly a surprise that Burberry has joined Google+ for Business. The remarkable thing is not that Burberry became the first luxury brand to adopt Google+ for Business; that was not too surprising. What is significant is that it did so less than 24 hours following the official launch of the brand pages.

Over recent months, Burberry has developed a strong online presence. The reason is simply this: it recognizes the potential of the Internet, and employs innovative marketing tactics well before other luxury fashion brands catch on. Burberry’s early adoption of Google+’s brand pages, could be yet another cherry on the icing, feather in its hat, and so on. Within a 24-hour space following the launch announcement, Burberry had already entered over 3,500 circles. You know what they say about the early bird catching the worm.

The Google+ pages for businesses represent yet another attempt to increase interaction with brands and their customers. This could well be a complement to the Facebook pages of luxury fashion brands. What does Google+ have that other social media platforms lack? The link to Google the search engine of course. From what we hear, Google is making sure that the brand pages show up in search engine results. SEO benefits appear to be part of the deal.

Fans and customers can recommend the Google+ pages for businesses and brands with a +1. But there is scope for direct interaction with fans and customers as well. And Burberry is not wasting any time.

Via: Fashionably Marketing

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