Belvedere Launches Limited Edition Belver Bears Vodka at Cannes

Cannes is most well-known for being the venue of the famous Cannes Film Festival. The event goes beyond movie screening and awards because most designer stuff from clothes to alcoholice beverages are unveiled before, during and after the film festival. For instance Belvedere has recently launched Belver Bears limited edition vodka which will be available in the VIP Room in Cannes. The translucent plexiglass bear bottle has been designed by Jean-Roch and this Art Toy is definitely an awesome collectible for all elitist connoisseurs of vodka.

Belvedere seems to have taken the entire vodka sipping experience to another level by unveiling such a cute Belver Bear which looks extremely surreal and spooky thanks to the backlit bright patch. The simple design and its effect will make sipping vodka an out of the world experience. Of course this is not the first time alcoholic beverages bottles have been designed artistically but Belver Bear is definitely most endearing of them all. People will love to take this cute bear home and its contents will make them merrier and happier.

This really makes me wonder why all the best designs, products and experiences are associated with France? Maybe French people truly know how to design, own and celebrate best things in life. This collectible limited edition vodka in artistic Belver Bears bottle costs some $7,240 and it is available at VIP Room in Cannes, Saint Tropez and Paris. This is the best way to raise a toast and cheer Cannes experience.

Via Vodka & Co

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