Beanbag Meets Hammock To Form The Luxurious Le Beanock

The sofa and the resident beanbag seem the ideal places to relax, whether after a hard day’s work or on a lazy holiday. The beanbag largely scores over the sofa, of course, if not for the frequent need to shake up the beans inside for greater comfort. But high-end homes could soon bring in a new rival that could overthrow everyone’s favorite beanbag.

The new competitor on the scene is the simply named Le Beanock. No prizes for guessing, but this is a creation that combines your regular beanbag chair with the ultimate snooze machine, the hammock.

Anyone who has ever sat on a hammock will recognize that it is not the easiest lounger to get into. Falling off is a constant danger, especially among users who twist and turn in their sleep. That is where Le Beanock enters the picture. This beanbag hammock ingeniously combines the sturdiness of the beanbag chair with the lazy appeal of the hammock.

Le Beanock is available in 2 sizes that support weights ranging from 220 lbs to 440 lbs. From the looks of it, it appears that the larger version of Le Beanock should be able to support two persons. This contraption is made from durable fabric and features metal eyelets in each of the four corners for the metal chains to pass through.

However, Le Beanock is shipped flat-packed to save on shipping charges. Still, you end up paying $284.20 for the smaller model and $568.40 for the larger one. That too, minus the chains and the beans, which you will have to buy locally. So the hefty price is only for the fabric bag. Rather an expensive proposition, wouldn’t you agree?

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