A Stylish Hoodie that lights up!

We keep on experimenting with clothes. We mix and match with colours, patterns, textures, designs, accessories and what not. But I am sure you wouldn’t have thought of mixing clothing with electronics! Designers, Paula Kassenaar and Paula Segura Meccia have done exactly that.

Paula Kassenaar says, “I have a vested interest in soft electronics, particular mixing hardware with textiles. It’s nothing new but we are getting closer and closer to wearable clothes and that excites me.” That sure excites us as well! I mean seriously! Just the thought of it makes us think of those cool and funky futuristic designs from sci-fi movies.

Skôn which means nice in Dutch and Swedish is their unique amalgamation of clothes and soft electronics. It is actually a hoodie whose rim has a knitted variable resistor and varies when you play with it. Due to the changing resistance value, the intensity of the light can be changed. It looks absolutely ethereal!

Part of a project by the Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, it is sure to be an eye catcher. What’s more is that it can be used at night! Now that’s beauty and utility, all in one!

Via: YankoDesign

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