Audi Design Wing: Grand Paino By Audi Design Studio

The trend of auto manufacturers delving into the creation of products other than cars or car accessories has been seeing great popularity. Auto manufacturers have, in the past, produced watches, pens and other products. These new products carry the elegance and glamour of the related auto manufacturer.

The latest company to enter into the trend is Audi Design Studio. In collaboration with Austrian piano maker Bosendorf, Audi design Studio is in the process of creating a grand piano with the same style that they have acquired over years of experience. The grand piano, titled Audi Design Wing, is intended as an attempt to redesign a musical instrument which is quite unlike any automobile. Designer Philip Schlesinger led the team that was in charge of the project at the Concept Design Studio at Munich.

The Audi Design Wing will make its first appearance on July 16th at the Audi Forum Ingolstadt commemorating Audi’s centennial anniversary. Schlesinger added that the piano is designed so as to subtly draw the viewers’ attention to the pianist. Even so, the 100,000 euro piano looks amazing and your eyes would be drawn to this.

Via: AutoEvolution
audi design grand piano

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