An Individual Submarine Built by China’s Tao Xiangli, an Amateur Inventor

We know that China is known for inventing weird gadgets and gizmos but this submarine built by a regular inventor deserves a look. Tao Xiangli, a 34 year old amateur inventor built himself a submarine all on his known without taking any help or guidance from anybody else. Although he claims that he is just an amateur who likes to invent small things for himself, his invention of this submarine pretty much shows that this guy is way too talented to be just an amateur inventor.

Apparently, Xiangli spent two years and 30,000 yuan, which is approximately $4,385 for this individual project. The submarine is driven by electric motors and propellers. It also has some extra fixings including a periscope and a depth control tank. This is quite amazing and appreciative to actually have carried out this unique project all by himself.


However, it’s not too sure as to how far and deep this submarine can move. Nevertheless, I would like to try this submarine once (only if Xiangli assures me that I will be safe and not drown). I wonder what Xiangli will invent next, probably a personal airplane or a yacht.

Via: ChinaDaily\GizmoWatch

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1 Comment

  • Edi Sopandi Saepudin. says:

    Nice, and great Idea.

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