A Music-System For the Blind

But for the signages that one sometimes comes across at public places or Braille and audio books at charities, it is hard to find products specially designed for the differently abled and visually impaired. Take heart, there is at least one product that is now dedicated to the blind or even the partially blind.

It is a stereo that uses an interface that reacts to the user, while it hides the controls flush with the face when it is not needed. A visually impaired user can start by moving her or his hands on the surface of the stero and will soon find an elevated rubber edge that encircles the control panel.

The listener can then press the glowing power button located in the centre of the volume knob. The button glows – one for radio, another for the CD player and the third for MP3 player or other audio device. The advantage here: each button rises from the stereo surface about one eighth of an inch. A few of primary functions of the stereo use Braille and all controls are voice guided. Each button that you press has an accompanying voice to confirm it.
The stereo has been designed by Danke Dieter who took into consideration blind-friendly technologies such as JAWS, VoiceOver and the good old Braille.

Via: Danke Dieter

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1 Comment

  • Wanda Jones says:

    I have been surfing the net for days trying to find out if I can get a price for Danke Dieter’s stereo for the blind. If it’s out there somewhere, how does a person get one? I’m a Home Health and Hospice nurse trying to find it for my blind patients.

    Thank you,
    Wanda Jones, RN

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