Palawan Princess Is The Second Largest Pearl In The World

Hear, hear the second largest documented pearl in the world is making headlines. If our sources are to be believed, this precious stone will soon be auctioned by the much famous Bonhams Auction House on December 6. With an estimated value ranging between $300,000 and $400,000, the gem weighs a whopping 5 pounds, which is quite huge for a pearl. Folks discovered it off the coast of the Phillippines’ Palawan island.

The gem is being referred to as a human brain shaped pearl and it comes with the lower half of its original giant clamshell. But the name is quite royal (and not any ‘brain’ related words please), Palawan Princess.
This beauty is believed to be second to only the 14 pound ‘Pearl of Allah’ in size. Bonhams is quite kicked about the sale which will also include a whole lot of other items in a range of categories just in case the pearl in question does not fall into your budget. Also, watch out for the illuminated music box called ‘The Winter Palace’ which was created under the guidance of the German lapidary artist Manfred Wild.

Via nationaljeweler

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1 Comment

  • kronikpain says:

    The clam shell in not the Giant Clam / Tridacna Gigas scientific name of giant Clams. Said clam is the heavy type of China Clam / Purcelinus purcelinus scientific name. They called Kaliskalis in Muslim dialect.very common found in shallow water. in Sulu, TawiTawi, Palawan also Sabah, Malaysia.

    I think Pearl Of Elias second largest or maybe the worlds largest and real pearl of Giant Clam/ Tridacna Gigas.

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