The Planet’s Most Expensive Yo Yos Being Sold at Harrods

If you are interested in terms like Elevator or Texas Cowboy you would also be interested in Yo Yos. These awesome Yo Yos are being touted as the world’s most expensive and I am sure you would certainly want to claim some of them your own.

They will soon be available at exclusive stores like Harrods, Hamleys, The Science Museum and at These awesome Yo Yos are already registered in the Guinness book of World Records. The Yo Yos come in wooden boxes and are made of forged magnesium. With ultra smooth spins, you can rest assured that you have the world’s most exclusive pair of retro Yo yos.

At £300 I would love to own them myself, but I am quite broke to be spending on them! If you ever happen to have grandchildren, they would treasure these pieces as mementoes or rather, they would treasure these Yo Yos as heirlooms.

Via: Lussorian

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