Korean Air Airbus A380 Comes with Party Lounge and Duty Free Shop

If you thought you could not party on board a flight, think about this. The Korean Air has announced that their Airbus A380 would come with a mini duty free shop, and also a lounge where you can booze, sit on the sofa and relax. It is only available for those who would be flying Business and First Class. The first routes would be Seoul-Incheon and Tokyo-Narita.

Later, they would fly to Europe and the USA as well. If you want to fly not just in good old fashioned luxury, and would also want to have some fun aboard, you should go ahead and buy tickets on this flight. I would say, it should be an amazing experience to make sure that you are flying and also partying at the same time. I am not sure if the air stewards are going to be hot enough, or if they are going to entertain you in other ways than just helping you in the lounge, but I am sure you will end up having a ball when you are on this flight.

Seatplans has announced that it would reveal more information regarding the tickets and also the plan of the flight itself. I would say, it is a great idea and Koreans really know how to party whether on ground or high up in the air. If you have the money, you should really take this flight as it is going to be really cool and amazing. So, go ahead and have the time of your life! You could also take a look at A380, Private A380 and Luxury Lounge that we had written about earlier.

Via: Jaunted

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