U.K: African Wines Topped the French Wines

The French will have to revisit their methods of making wines as the African wines have become a new rage among the people from the U.K. If the recent figures are to be believed, then the ardent admirers of the African wines have not only increased, but some of the regular consumers of the French wines have switched over to the African wines.

The recent Neilsen figures revealed that the sales of the African wines have not only increased by 20%, but they are also responsible for the 12% fall in the sales of the French wines. It seems that the established business of French wines is going to get a tough competition from that of African wines, which is rather nascent in comparison to the former.

South Africa has now been ranked fourth , when it comes to selling wines in the U.K. Ever since Nelson Mandela was elected president the scene of export business in Africa has experienced a boost and there have been phenomenal growths is the wine industry.

“This is a momentous occasion for the South African wine industry, which is relatively young in terms of the global export market” said Jo Mason, market manager of the Wines of South Africa in U.K.

via: 1) wine.co.za

        2) talkingretail/news/industry-news/

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