Japan Brand Brings To You Some Spectacular Chess Sets That Deserve Exclusive Attention

Golf may be the game of the Richie Richs today but in the days gone by, it was chess (hands down) that mainly defined the leisure time of the Royalty and the intellectuals. We have witnessed quite an interesting range of some luxurious adaptations of the board game in the past. And today, we have one more. The limited edition lacquered chess sets from Japan Brand deserve a respectable place in your uber-rich house for it exudes such a charm that it should not get anything less!

These unqiue design patterns have been created by a New York designer, Alexander Gelman. He has developed the chess sets in four different types of extremely fine Japanese craftsmanship – fuki-urushi (wood lacquering), makie (gold lacquering), haku (platinum lacquering) and kutani (hand decorated ceramic pieces with intricate patterns).
As of now, the chess sets are on display at the Fellissimo Design House in Manhattane to excite New Yorkers. They will be available for made to order at a price lying between $80K and $123K depending on the craftsmanship. Apparently, Gelman wants his city mates to see an alternate way of life via these magnificent artworks!



Via breitbart

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