Table of Sound: Enjoy Sound Music

Innovations in the area of sound amplifying technology can go places. We know majors of the sound industry have been doing their bit in getting the best out and offering world class clarity for you and me to buy. Did you know however that innovations in sound can also mean deceptive simplicity in superbly executed designs?

It is actually possible. A recent entry for the design boom sound innovation competition has shown just that. The Table of Sound, as it is aptly named, has been shortlisted among the 150 lucky and deserving ones alongside 3,500 other participants. If you are the kind who owns an iPod and yet uses some type of audio amplifying to listen to music in your den, you can turn to Table of Sound.

The design is created by a team called Wondering Boys. So go ahead, plug your MP3 player wirelessly.

It is sleek, stylish. Yet, in a surrounding with classic colours or jaded interiors, it can blend away into the walls and floor. It can connect to any device around your living room wirelessly. It has a built-in dock. On the contrary you could also use a regular mini-jack connection.

Table of SoundAll you need to do is, pick your colour and play the music. Take note particularly of the slot at one corner of the table where you can rest the iPod.

Via: Design Boom, Wondering Boys
Table of Sound Wondering Boys

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