Harley Davidson Chair Blows Your mind At $6,950

One of those things that have, over the past few decades, remained exclusively male is La-Z-Boy recliners. Not that women don’t enjoy the comfort and luxury offered by these arm chairs, just that men hold on to them with such ferocity that the fairer sex is forced to let go of it.

First Impressions has come up with a custom made La-Z-Boy that is more masculine than any of its predecessors for the simple fact that it is made from something that was originally completely masculine. This armchair was made from a Harley Davidson. No need to explain what a Harley is to any male above two years of age.

The huge motorcycle chair has headlights, taillights, side view mirrors and makes a roaring vroom vroom sound for 10 seconds when you kick out the footrest. Talk about awesome chairs; how much more bike-like can this chair get?! The chair has flames at the side and in-built speakers; the only thing it doesn’t have is an engine. The motorcycle chair costs $6,950 but if this one doesn’t interest you then you could have First impressions build you your fantasy themed home theatre system, starting $150,000.

Via: Gizmodo
harley davidson chair

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