$1,000 Handcrafted Samurai iPhone Cases Are Exquisite!

They move unseen and unheard through the shadows of the night, one with the darkness, one with death. The Japanese Samurai have been feared and revered for centuries and even in the grasp of the modern world, the lives of the Samurai haven’t changed over the centuries.

If you let your imagination flow and wonder about the little thing of this modern world that would appeal to the Samurai, you wouldn’t be able to think of many things; especially if you haven’t heard of the samurai iPhone cases. Softbank BB is bringing out 5 Samurai themed iPhone cases for the 3GS/3G. Each of the five exquisitely lacquered iPhone cases are handcrafted with gold dust highlights and designed to represent a famous samurai from aeons ago. Like the position reserved for Samurais are reserved for the elite, the iPhone cases will be hard to purchase wit h each one costing $1,000.

The five Samurais being immortalized in iPhone fashion are Date Masamune, Uesugi Kenshin, Naoe Kanetsugu and Oda Nobunaga. The cases are made by Japan Texture in collaboration with Zohiko and come in special cloth pouches with a commentary written by Kozo Kaku, a martial arts historian.

Via: CNet
samurai iphone cases

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