Frame The Precious Moments On Wi-fi

A new techie gadget is presented to the world almost on a daily basis now. Their usability is sometimes questioned but not that of Parrot’s Specchio. A Wi-fi enabled digital picture frame designed by Parisian Martin Szekely is sure to draw attention.

So, now you can easily get your photos onto the frame using your home wireless network. The functioning is quite uncomplicated. All you have to do is hold your phone against the frame to transfer the images. In other words, you can email pis to the frame using your PC or cellphone or from online picture galleries like Flickr. Then there is also the Bluetooth NFC standard.

And abolutelty no one can ignore the shiny-ness of the frame enabling it to even double up as a mirror.

Well from the looks of the market sales, I don’t think Specchio is in stock. In that case you can try an equally cool frame designed by Andrée Putman for $5 less than Specchio at $450.

Via dvice

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