World’s Most Expensive Fishing Lure for $1 mn

Sitting and waiting in the middle of the river in your boat, waiting for your prized catch to take the bait and get hooked to your fishing stick is by far one of the most relaxing and at the same time frustrating elements of fishing. However, it seems you can simply lure an elusive fish to your fishing hook, by nothing short of luxury with the introduction of the world’s most expensive fishing lure. This insanely expensive fishing lure exuberates immense bling and carries a mind boggling price tag of $1 million. To normal people like us, it might seem to be one of biggest waste of money, but then again, we don’t have a million dollars to waste or otherwise. Designed and developed by MacDaddy’s Jewelry, this shiny and extremely alluring fishing lure was unveiled in the year 2006 and has since then propelled the company to fame and glory.

The Million-Dollar Lure though might seems a little over hyped, yet this classy fishing accessory is now captivating the imagination of the rich, while achieving a noble cause as well, as five percent of the revenue generated from its sales has been marked for charitable organizations. The million dollar is crafted from both gold and platinum, while carrying an astonishing four thousand diamonds and rubies that carry a combine weight of 100 carats. For those who might perceive it only to be a thing of elegance, here is the punch-line, the Million-Dollar lure was used for fishing purposes at the 26th Annual Brisbee’s Black & Blue tournament in Baja California.

Via Nexus 404

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