ZIG: A retro styled fencing that doubles up as seating space

Virginia Tech’s College of Architecture and Urban Studies wanted to create something that was both snazzy and multi-dimensional in its use. In a world that is progressively becoming more and more obsessed with multi-tasking, ZIG is a design that fits in perfectly. Crafted by designer Catherine Worsham, this is one ultra-cool and modern home and office accessory that can be used as edge fencing and a bike rack, apart from being used as a bench. Though it would not offer you the same comfort of a traditional bench, this more than makes up for it by serving in a multitude of ways.

The design is sleek and ergonomic; ensuring that ZIG easily fits into any modern space. It is easy to carry around and its geometric uniqueness adds to the beauty of the room. ZIG is a tessellating pattern cut out of steel with laser cutting technology and with the option of availability is any size that is requested by the consumer, it not just offers new choices in shape, design and pattern, but also in size.

Via: Coroflot


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