Your New Playmate-The Interactive Mirror!

Mirrors aren’t mere reflectors any more! Induced with technology, you can now interact with them and have fun! Alpay Kasal of Lit Studios has and made a two-way mirror into a sort of digital portal. “Interactive Mirror” turns reflective surfaces into digital drawing boards using the basic mouse emulation.

A part of HCI (Human Computer Interaction) yet quite not completely so, the Interactive Mirror seems to lack multi-touch but offers some interesting ideas, like showing how a custom T-shirt would look if you were wearing it or you can even play games on the mirror screen, decorate its edges , view pictures and do a helluva other stuff. Now you would never get bored with yourself! If inducing childish wonderment in your friends is your idea, get reflecting on it!

A cool new concept for your dresser or a funky idea for the bathroom, this mirror companion, if I could call it that, is the result of Kasal’s brainstorming with friend Sam Ewen. You can get in touch with them if interested because no price or retailer details are available presently. With some tricks built into this installation: like internal mirror bounces for greater projection throw mirrors are about to get a lot more awesome if launched in the market.

Via EnGadget, Wautsi

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