Your Kitchen Help Will Soon Be Here

This would every homemaker’s dream come true. We just got to know that Panasonic along with Japan’s IRT Reserach Institute are working days and nights to develop an efficient dishwashing robot that they lovingly call KAR (Kitchen Assistant Robot). Wow, and we thought only Mrs. Jetson was the lucky one!!!

The robot in question, apparently has 18 different sensors in its hand that are aimed to help the andriod understand the shape and size of the dishes. Also, the robo picks only one object from a pile of dishes. So far, the prototype has worked pretty well and those associated with the project have no doubts about the success of the product once it reaches the market. Though that will not be until the next five years.

And did we tell you about the looks of this cute handy robo friend? Well, it is like a little bread machine with two arms and might we say, it is a very capable being too. So, are you as excited as we are here, to officially handover the mammoth task of washing the dishes to someone who really will be happy to be of any help to you.

Via unplggd & blogspot

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