World’s First Solar-Powered Bluetooth Headset: Iqua BHS-603 SUN

Picture this: You are enjoying the evening sailing with your friends and the very presence of the plugged device drives your necessity of charging your mobiles, MP3 players, digital cameras and laptops, thereby disturbing your mood. Is their any alternative to this?

Yes, now there is one. With the latest appealing Iqua headset, you can charge the batteries of your gadgets while sunbathing. Unveiled by Iqua at Barcelona’s 3GSM, the BHS-603 SUN is the world’s first solar-powered Bluetooth headset that aims at saving energy and time. The built-in solar cells are available in the Iqua Vogue wireless headset, the Chameleon, and the Snake2.


Solar-Powered Bluetooth Headset

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