Why Hope Diamond Glows Red?

The news is Hope Diamond shines an inexplicable red when uncovered before ultraviolet light. This 45.52-carat deep-blue diamond is being exhibited at the center stage of the Smithsonian Institution’s United States Gem Collection. The diamond is an object of controversy since last four centuries but lately it aroused their attention for changing color in the very presence of ultraviolet light.

The peculiar blazing glow of the world’s largest rare blue diamond is finally been elucidated and it’s neither distinctive nor a sheer quirk. They made the use of a newest digital spectral measurement machine to gauge the wavelengths of light produced by diamonds, along with its glowing rate. The result of the analyses is anticipated to be out in January issue of the journal Geology. The fact revealed is that all natural blue diamonds phosphoresce with red or blue-green light in diverse entity, quirky ways.

Hope Diamond

Whilst those like Hope Diamond emits less green-blue light that allows their red light to dictate. The origin of the phosphorescence is principally the constituent boron, though the higher facts of the visual effect still need to be worked out.

Hope Diamond

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