Wear the Tweet Sleeve and Tweet Away To Glory

Social networking sites are the best time pass for many internet users. Many are hooked to Twitter and Facebook constantly either through their computers or mobile phones. With mobile phones providing internet facilities and the social networking sites themselves allowing their users to log on to their sites through mobile phones, it only makes the users get perpetually connected to the social networking sites.

Now, there are even cooler ways of getting connected to the so-called sites. After the hoodies that help you update your Facebook status, and the shoes that help you tweet, you can now from the Tweet Sleeve. It is a project done by Vanessa Sorenson. The tweet sleeve is wearable. This one is a tad different as it not only allows you to tweet but also displays your mood.  For instance, when you send out angry tweets, the LEDs on your sleeve radiate a red, and when your mood is lifted, the colors change to green, which suggests that you are happy.

Vanessa’s project was intended to explore as to how social networking sites, more specifically Twitter, can demonstrate personalities in the real world via the virtual world. This sounds pretty interesting but all I am concerned about is the trust factor of this project. A user can still hide his/her emotions and tweet something else. Hence, the emotions display by the different lights suggesting different moods may not really be valid if they are based on the mere tweets sent by the users. Nevertheless, it interests me somehow.

Via: Fashioningtech\VanessaSorenson

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