Watch Out! Here Is a Timepiece Sans Dial

Who had thought that there would come a day when watches will be devoid of a dial, but they would still be able to show time! This avant-garde creation has not only challenged the basic physics but has taken it to a whole new level, that is digital!

The designer Jihun Yeom has named these watches Aurora. They have nothing in place of the dial, but a glass piece. On being touched, two laser beams will be produced from the inner periphery of the dial and will enable the user to watch time. The red beam represents the minutes hand and the blue beam indicated the hour.

Though it is a very cool innovation, but it still has to prove itself in the consumer world! At least the conventional watches could successfully hide the hairy wrists with their big dials, who would like to reveal his hairy wrist anyways! It seems that this will be a big hit amongst the kids.

It might as well have a hard time making all the office goers its fan, as the glass display is no good when taken out in sun. Besides, it’s not worth being paraded before your peers, and they might burst into laughter if they aren’t tech savvy.

via: 1) geekologie

        2) yankodesign

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