Again a new concept but this time wishing it to turn reality can be put you on toss. Called The WaSnake shelf, it is a revolutionary concept by designer Jean Louis Frechin. The shelf is anticipated to not only accommodate stuff but display your SMS and news after picking them from RSS feeds. Structured using wood and elastomeric, the shelf is flexible enough to be instated in any given geography.
With such a flexible configuration, it would surely be welcomed to feature the necessary details viz. addresses, phone number at home. But likewise any other product, it has its own grays attached. The concept highlighting text via cluster of colored LEDs and optical threads would be displayed at the International Milan furniture show.
Connected to the computer, this system serves as an interface for selecting and creating information and also serves as a medium for direct physical contact, by which users choose various display protocols. But I choose to ignore the usage of this product but as the visual illustration of this artistic device can really screw up your life. I am not in a mood to let my naughty text messages being broadcasted to anyone and everyone. I wish this concept remains a concept.