Former Versace Mansion in Miami to be Auctioned in September

Gianni Versace’s former mansion on the Ocean Drive, Miami is headed for the auction block by the order of the US Bankruptcy Court. The villa has some sad history associated with it as the fashion icon Gianni Versace was shot dead in 1997 on its steps. The company that is managing the sale of the trophy home has assessed the value of the property to be above $50 million. Apart from its history, the mansion’s location also adds to its value as it is located just a stone’s throw from the beach on Miami’s Ocean Drive tourist strip. The palatial Miami villa also has several outbuildings on the premium property.

The Mansion and its Outbuildings are Well Preserved

The property is considered to be the Crown Jewel of Ocean Drive and is surely one of the most coveted trophy properties worldwide. Understandably the property is very elegant and stylish as it belonged to Gianni Versace. Called Casa Casurina, it is a one of a kind property as it retains all the Versace design elements. It is an oasis for the rich and famous and it is expected that they will bid vigorously for the property. The auction will be held on the premises of the villa on September 17, later this year. The mansion and its outbuildings are very well preserved and maintained.

Former Miami Mansion of Gianni Versace

Gianni Versace Was Shot Dead on the Steps of the Mansion

The mansion was transformed into a boutique hotel but the current owner is having to auction it to meet his financial obligations. Lamar Fischer, the president of the Fischer Auction Company which is handling the sale is very confident about the property and doesn’t expect the auction to last more than 30 minutes. He was not willing to hazard a guess as to what will be the successful bid but he felt that since the property has been assessed to be valued at over $50 million the price should also go above that. Gianni Versace was shot dead by a serial killer named Andrew Cunanan on the steps of the mansion in July 1997. The killer committed suicide few days later.


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