If that Marineav’s offering of 70-inch weatherproof TV or Sanyos 52-inch screen was successful in convincing you to install one and you thought that it was a competent deal then you are wrong. As with growing demand of outdoor LCD Tvs, more and more company are engaged into its production and today we have Pantel debuting a trio of Mirror TVs at CEDIA 2008. Available in 20-, 32- and 42-inch models, the Mirror TV series is designed for those wanting to add an adaptable display in their restroom, bathe or experience it while undertaking sauna. The 20- and 32-inch versions offer 720p panel against the 42-incher that features 1080p resolution. You can bring one home by shelling out $1,200 but would propose you to gift a bigger edition costing $2,755 for 32-inch and $5,800 to your daddy.
Via Engadget