UD Replicas Create TRON Inspired Motorcycle Suits

UD replicas have found a sure fire way to create popular designs of motorcycle suits. They have very successfully transformed the costumes from our favorite nerdy films into motorcycle suits. We have already seen the successful transformation with Batman, Wolverine and Iron Man. The latest to join the series is TRON. The franchise has a following and UD Replicas is there to grab the opportunity.

The TRON: Legacy-inspired Sam Flynn and Quorra suits are decked out in leather and feature light-sensitive reflective accents and a silicone hexagon print. The motorcycle suits have been well made and are bound to find good response from the admirers of the movie. The packaging also claims that it is a movie replica. You may also visit their official website to find out more details www.udreplicas.com.

The company has decided to come out with a limited edition design in this case. The Sam Flynn suit will be limited to 1,000 pieces and the Quorra suits will be limited to 500 pieces. If you so choose, you need not buy the whole suit but purchase pieces individually. The cost of the entire Sam Flynn suit is $995. Surprisingly the cost of Quorra is less at $900.

Via: FashionablyGeek

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