Tow-n-Stow trailer is Just Right for Languorous People

The Tow-n-Stow is a towable trailer which would be of immense use to people who work in the garage, and it also doubles up as a vertical storage unit. It is not only a truck, but is also a cool place to store your stuff and it can be towed by a car.

If your garage is really cluttered, you can just make the Tow-n-Stow stand upright and store all the crap that you may be having lying around in your garage. It can become bothersome to change from a vertical position to a horizontal towable position. Nevertheless, the idea of using is too tempt8ing and it is a very useful product so the minor problems can be ignored. It comes with an amazingly high price tag of $2,495.


I am not really sure if I would want to buy it but it is a cool idea nonetheless. If you are not well arranged and you like to stay in cabins you could get this for yourself and keep using it wherever you go. It is best suited for lazy, dirty and disorderly nomads who do not want to either stay in one place or clean up their surroundings.

Via: red Ferret

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