This Beer Comes Inside a Squirrel!

Yes, you read that right. The next time you pour beer, providing you have the money and the taste, it may be from a squirrel and not from the good old jug.

Brewdog, a brewery in Fraserburgh, Scotland is selling a new beer called the ‘End of the World’. This weird name for a beer comes with an even weirder packaging; this liquor is bottled inside carcasses of dead, taxidermied squirrels, hares or stoats. Obviously, since these dead animals are taxidermied they don’t give out a foul stench that the drinker may fear. This hard drink has a humungous volume of 55 percent alcohol in it. And it is even harder on your pocket at about $770 per bottle.

Brewdog says that this has been done to push eccentricity and artistry to its absolute limits in brewery and packaging. For all those horrified that animals are being killed to be taxidermied, rest assured, this is not the case. The 12 animals that have been taxidermied died in road kills and Brewdog did this as a limited edition. They may never do this again.

Via: Trends Updates

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