If that sustainable kitchen concept by Altera Design Studio seems a too-far reality to you and the mobile kitchen concept fails to convince you (as cannot compensate your lack of culinary skills) then dig into the Pandigital Kitchen Technology Center (KTC). Aimed at offering a complete blend of functionality and amusement, the touchscreen device functions right on the touch of your fingers. Now your need for a recipe can be can be fulfilled here substituting the dumb process of going back to study accessing Internet on going through that thick book of recipes by ‘XYZ’ chef.
The device comes laden with a numerous recipes and offers you access to cruise the net update it here only. But cooking in a scary silence can be really demanding, hence it offers you an ambiance rejuvenated with music via its one gigabyte of memory where you can plug in your MP3s along with photos and video. The KTC features 15 inch, 1280×720 screen also supports HDTV playback. So, if you realize the emptiness of this hi-tech device in your gadget-packed abode then wait for a month more as it is expected to hit the market in August for $400. It would be no less than a centralized headquarters for all the electronic products (blenders, refrigerators).
Via Dvice/ CoolestGadgets