The Ideal Woman Is Here But In A New Avatar

The ideal woman is as utopian a concept as is that of an ideal man. One philosopher said that there are no perfect people, just imperfects being perfect fit for each other. But that paradigm was not enough for Le Trung. He wanted to spend his Christmas with the most special woman in the world. And apparently, he did. She is called Aiko and is a robot which the inventor created.

From what we hear Trung’s mum and dad were the only other people joining him and Aiko when they shared gifts on the festive occasion. This fembot (let’s use Futurama’s Bender lingo here) cost $47,000 and was designed and built by hand. And this creation is so lifelike that it can speak fluent English and Japanese. Apart from that it can cook a turkey as well as hang decorations too.

Aiko is a Japanese name meaning ‘love child’. So this robo is as cute as a button. She is 5 feet tall with a perfect 32-23-33 figure (boy, and we thought it was 36-24-36). Plus it is responsive to touch in ways like any other woman. Aiko’s artificial intelligence is quite impressive as she knows to say ‘hello’ to anyone she is met before. Trung is quite genki (‘enthusiastic’ in Japanese) about her and is currently looking for a company to sponsor his research, which is a rather costly affair.

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