The Haute Guide app will serve as your shopping guide

For the citizenry of Manhattan that doesn’t have the time to do all the research before they buy fashionable clothes, here is a God-send. The Haute Guide will come to your rescue. This latest app is the creation of Abbey Samet, who a Fashion Director at Macys. She says, “Our guide is like a personal shopper who edits the vast shopping environment in Manhattan and provides users with fashion-forward suggestions.”

This app is compatible with the iPhone, iPod Touch, and even the iPad. All you have to do is pay $4.99 once and this app will help you through your shopping. The categories in this app are Blue Jean Baby, Knock em Dead Accessories, Hamptons Weekend, Great Outdoors, among other very interesting ones. In each category, there will be stores listed in the alphabetical order. One can also use this guide based on neighbourhood. So wherever you are, this guide will let you know of the stores that are in that area.

It will also give you some info on the trend or designer. There is even a cost-rating system, with the help of which you will be able to pick out the shops or designers that will come within your price range. Once this is downloaded from itunes, you will get regular updates, announcements of store closings and openings.

Via: Luxist

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