The Celsius X VI II Watch Phone Pushes the Boundaries of Imagination

There have been many attempts to design the ideal watch phones. They all have one thing in common and that is, all of them are basically watches that have the capabilities of a phone built into it. They are all to be worn on the wrist. This one is different in the sense that it is a simple flip phone and the watch has been built into it.

The Celsius X VI II Watch Phone features an elaborate watch that’s completely visible from the front face. When you open it you will find a simple flip phone interior. In addition to the high-end timepiece, the Celsius also features a patented mechanical hinge that harnesses and stores the kinetic energy created by the user. The phone is compatible to the GSM networks. The watch phone also has a 3.2 megapixel camera with autofocus and flash.

This unique creation is the culmination of four years of research and development. It is a resolutely novel nomadic object that pushes the boundaries of imagination. It is a limited edition creation with the total number being restricted to as low as 18. And since the numbers are low the price is rather high at $300,000.

Via: uncrate

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