The All New Drums Set Mod For Rock Band Game From Omega Music Technology

Ever since the launch of high ends gaming consoles like Microsoft Xbox 360 and Sony Playstation 3, the world of music has been lifted from studio sessions to the living room, where users play guitar and other instruments, to the tunes of some of the biggest Rock hits, the music industry has ever come across. From titles such as Guitar Hero to Rock Band, gamers across the globe now have the ability to plug their mod music instrument into their consoles and take the center stage. These instruments are designed specifically to work with the gaming consoles and in the recent time, have gained immense popularity. However, the lack of one crucial instrument, the drums proved too much to take for avid music fans and now finally their prayers have been answered.

Omega Music Technology has announced the launch of the GM-1 system, a mod designed specifically to integrate a drum set to a gaming console. The mod system can outfitted to any conventional drum set and is also available as part of the Pearl drum set package. The GM-1 system essentially consists of sensors that are developed to sense each and every hit made on the drum set, with incredible speed and unmatched accuracy. Furthermore, as playing drums could easily become a nuisance for the family members and neighbors, Omega enabled the system to work in conjunction with the mesh head technology, that drastically reduces the sounds of the drums, all the while preserving the originality of playing drums.

According to Tom Baker (President, Omega Music Technology),

“I just wasn’t satisfied with the plastic drums on the market After the stunning success of the Omega Pedal, I saw that I was not the only one who demanded realism in a rhythm game. Creating the GM-1 System was the next logical step. We knew that noise level, keeping family and neighbors happy, is a big problem for drum sets. So we made the GM-1 System able to work with mesh head technology, giving full realism while allowing whisper-quiet playing We brought accomplished drummers in who are not video game players, and set them down in front of the set. They picked a song they knew, and were able to immediately play through the song, using all the technique they learned playing gigs. The process is very organic. You learn real technique, and before long you start playing songs even without the game.”

The GM-1 system from Omega Music Technology is available via the company website and come with a price tag of $249.

Via Omega Music Technology

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