Swann Galleries Auction Bibles Famous For Their Typos

Typos are something that simply have no place in the world of Bibles. Because there are things that can become inflammatory by a minor mistake of a word or two. And the forthcoming auctions of rare and important Bibles at Swann Galleries this autumn heighten the attraction of these expensive curiosities. The two sale will be held on September 17 and October 20 this year.

Bibles come from the collection of Mel and Julie Meadows, which will be auctioned off in two parts. Just so you know, the Meadows are known for collecting important editions of the Bible in English. In fact, they have owned treasures like the 1781-82 Aitken Bible, which was the first complete Bible in English to be printed in America and to have the Congress authorize it. It is estimated than less than 100 copies exist today, a fact easily reflected in its estimated price at $40,000 to $60,000.

You must be wondering about the talk on typos we started this post with. Well, the 1613-11 second edition Bible of the King James Version is known as the ‘She’ Bible because in Ruth 3:15, the ‘he’ reads ‘she’. Despite the anomaly this one costs between $10 K and $15K. Another Bible contains ‘vinegar’ instead of ‘vineyard’ in Luke 20 and has an estimated price at $3K to $5K.

Via swann

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