Stephanie Simek’s three in one convertible Garment Can Be Touted as the New Age Clothing G

Here’s a toast for all you stylish ladies. Designer Stephanie Simek has come with this enormously funky three in one adaptable garment, the Hoodie Bag which can solve the purpose of a hoodie, a purse and a wrap top.

A great bargain indeed and as Simek rightly puts in,” You can hold your thoughts and your belongings when a hood is a bag and a bag is a hood!” Being a shopaholic myself I am quite aware of the fact how it burns a hole in your pockets and the agony one goes through after your wardrobe ceases to churn out new things to match up the current fashion scene. Simek’s  Hoodie bag might come to the rescue then since it serves three purposes  and three new voguish additions to your closet just at the cost of one.

Wear it, flaunt it or just wrap it each time it looks fresh. This trendy piece of design is being made available in a variety of shades and is priced at $86-$140. Go grab it. It is seriously worth your money.

Via: Inhabitat

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