Spyker Sports Cars, Spyders, Cost Over $200,000

Everybody knows the Batmobile and the hi-tech cars that Bond used to drive. These are supercars not just because the superheroes drove them but also because they are pretty super on their own right.

Dutch automobile company Spyker has been manufacturing awesome cars for almost a century now and their range of sports cars which they have been making for about a decade now are drawn from the experience of these years. Their latest sports car, the C8 Aileron Spyder, seems to be styled after their classic C8 Spyder SWB (short wheel base). The C8 Spyder SWB which was auctioned off at the sports & Classics Monterey auction was designed after the planes that the company made during its short stint with the aviation industry.

The car has a 400hp 4.2lt V8 engine and can go 0 to 60mph in 4.5 seconds last night. The Spyders start at $200,000 and are usually styled in steampunk fashion. Most of the models offer customised interiors and even come with Louis Vuitton Luggage so you travel completely in style. How can you say no to that?!


Via: Wired

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