SeaPhantom: Maritime Flight Dynamics designs an imperious glider on water!

SeaPhantom is a really impressive and a very intimidating ‘sea flight’ that really stands true to its name and has a design and a tentative conceptual design that surely will give you a ride of a lifetime. Still in the design stage at Maritime Flight Dynamics, the amazing sea rider will travel from Key West to Cuba in 45 minutes. How is that possible on water? Well, it is not and that’s exactly why it lifts a few feet above the water to glide over the oceans in the smoothest of fashions.

The SeaPhantom initially moves over water until a speed of 35 mph when its hull is lifted into the air from the lift obtained by the wings. The hull is lifted eight feet above the water surface and it allows the Phantom to hit speeds of 120 mph and maybe even higher. For now though, there is a long wait till this concept becomes a reali8ty. But it surely has an irresistible appeal to it!

Via: Styelecrave / Seaphantom

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