Scroll in Antique Look Wearable on Your Wrist

The scroll seems to have been miniaturized in a very modern way yet the look is very antique, very old and very royal. The look and get up is inspired by a wrist watch with a strap to boot. Like someone commented that it looks like a contraption developed for James Bond (Though we are not sure if the next instalment of the franchise will be made or not). A scroll miniaturized, and you start thinking how it can be used in the contemporary world.

Very useful for the politicians and leaders who use the teleprompter expertly to sound like the know all saviour of the world. They don’t even need to take out their note cards out of their pocket. Just a glance at the scroll as if they are checking the time and they can keep the flow going. They have an image to protect and this could just be another tool.

The other use could be in the automotive field. The direction to a destination could be printed and fit in to the scroll so that you do not miss a crucial turn or an important land mark. You can keep thinking about more useful applications but I know if people actually start using it someone will come up with a digital version with enormous capacity and many options but I can tell you one thing that the fun will go out of the product.

Via: Gizmodo

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