Samsung doles out Wi-Fi Enabled Refrigerator with 8-inch LCD touchscreen and ‘app’ goodness

Samsung has been doing more than a good job in the business of smartphones and tablets. It would be surprise if we have at least 2 3 apps coming in for our already ubiquitous gadgets. Samsung thought that probably its home appliance segment is rather feeling left out. It has unveiled a state-of-the-art refrigerator with a 8-inch LCD screen that does more than keeping your food cold and fresh.

The 8-inch LCD touch screen here will let you check the weather, leave notes for other family member, browse through recipes online, listen to Pandora and other things. There is also a social media hub here that let will take care of your Twitter and Facebook needs. Besides this, it could also be used to see your photos and watch videos. This makes my mind wonder that if your future home appliances would also make 3G calls so that you can ‘stay connected’ from your kitchen. I don’t think that is still needed for such distractions could lead to all sorts of disaster in the kitchen- either fire or bad food, both are equally injurious. However if you beg to differ, there are other options that we have spoken of in the past like the ‘Cool Your Vanity with the Mini Fridge’ which is one of its kind.

Samsung has long been in the business of providing feature- rich gadgets and appliances. So when the company delivers something like this, you know it’s not like they are promising the moon. The company is going to sell these in the price range of $2,700 and $3,500.


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